The Good Place - Weight Loss Part (1)

It’s time to stop judging ourselves harshly for our bodies and our weight.  We are so good at telling ourselves that we are rubbish, its our own lack of self-control and our fault we are big, large, fat.  Its time to see that our brains, society and culture have played a huge role in this problem and blaming ourselves does not actually solve the problem in fact blame probably makes it worse as we eat more to make ourselves feel better.  

If you go back to basics, food is necessary for survival, our brains are wired to ensure we find food and indeed store excess as fat ready for a famine.  Our brains and body developed and evolved in sync to ensure our survival.  Roll on 2000 years and times have changed, food is readily available for most in the Western world and food has been altered and processed however our bodies and brains have not changed – this mismatch has created the perfect storm of obesity.

I was diagnosed as a type 1.5 diabetic in 2005.  Yes you read it right – 1 ½ , I don’t fit nicely into the type 1 or the type 2 camp, this type is known in the trade as LADA, latent autoimmune diabetes in adults.  I was diagnosed while pregnant with my first child, I have injected insulin since however my pancreas still produces some insulin.  I test my blood sugar to see what foods effect my blood sugar, and how.  This has changed the way I see food and I have made it my mission to understand food and in particular carbohydrates.  

The one thing which I did not know and which is really crucial to blood sugar and weight and fat storage is that all carbohydrates turn to sugar.  This is in a nutshell part of the problem of our western diet, our over reliance on carbs.  This is not to demonise carbs, we need some for energy but just like we need good fats we need the good carbs.  

This is not to say I am a skinny minny who hates food, I like food but I know that the wrong foods will raise my blood sugar levels too high, this has long term effects on my eyes, kidneys, nerves, even my bowels.  

Diabetes has almost become normalised, as so many people suffer, and yet type 2 is preventable in many cases.  People don’t seem to realise that high blood sugar will cause so many life changing problems, did you know that one of the biggest group of amputees are type 2 diabetics? 

Hypnotherapy and coaching can help.  With coaching you can start to understand your body, the foods we crave and why.  This leads on to how to start changing our patterns of thoughts and behaviours.  Hypnotherapy then works on a subconscious level to reinforce new behaviours and thoughts.  It’s a brilliant combination which has brilliant results.  

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Next month weight loss blog 2 – good carbs, bad carbs


The Good Place - Weight Loss Part (2)