The Good Place - Weight Loss Part (2)


Good Carbs/Bad Carbs

Carbohydrates!  Who knew carbs would become such an emotive subject.  If you read last months blog you’ll remember that all carbs turn to sugar however this does not make them “bad”.  Our bodies need carbs for energy, and without them we can feel lethargic and tired.  Carbs also stimulate serotonin production – our happy hormone and can be full of lovely fibre which helps out our bowels to work and makes us feel full.

So what carbs should we be eating?  Carbs turn to sugar at different rates, the good ones are the carbs which slowly release their sugar, this keeps our blood sugar stable and keeps us fuller longer, these are unprocessed carbs – i.e. ones humans haven’t done too much too.  A nice new potato for instance will be better than mash, mash has already started being processed, eating a new potato will take your body longer to process. 

Everyone mentions whole grains, and yes again these grains are whole and therefore it takes your body longer to break it down than food which has already started to be broken down, take the example of bread, whole grain bread breaks down slower and releases sugar slower than white bread. Whole grains also contain the wonderfulness that is fibre, which helps to keep constipation at bay.   Being coeliac myself means that lots of fibrous options such as wholegrain breads, pasta, rice and cereal are not available and it can be a painful experience, also diabetics who have not had stable sugar levels can suffer with nerve damage in the bowels, making going to the toilet difficult.  We don’t like talking about poo but not being able to poo is a miserable experience.

How does all this affect weight loss?  Well keeping blood sugar levels stable and feeling fuller can stave off the hunger pangs, and it can help us to not reach for the easy option of a biscuit, crisps or chocolate.  It helps our moods not to have huge sugar rushes followed by equally as huge sugar dips and a happy you is likely to make a much better and healthier food choice than a hangry you.  If we can last not eating longer then we are not eating additional calories, and we are allowing our bodies to use our own fat stores rather than adding to them, this in turn give our pancreas a break and all in all its good for soooo many parts of our bodies.  

We are so fortunate that we have so many beautiful foods available to us, fruit and veg, seeds and nuts, all natural, unprocessed, colourful wonders.  Let’s make the most of what nature has provided in abundance.  During my hypnotherapy for weight loss programme I can use aversion therapy, which will change your thinking about your favourite but dangerous chocolate habit (replace chocolate with anything you really are addicted to food wise) and you will be able to think positively about amazing vegetables! 


Mindless Eating


The Good Place - Weight Loss Part (1)