
  • Weight Loss

  • Past life regression

  • Confidence building

  • Anxiety release

  • Trauma recovery

  • Pain management

  • Hypno-menopause therapy

  • Alcohol, drugs and smoking cessation

  • Phobias

  • Sleeping


Anxiety and confidence are very interlinked, using NLP coaching techniques can really help to build confidence, and hypnotherapy can help to release the anxiety.  In today’s stressful society it can seem as if anxiety is just something we all have to suffer however this is not the case.  Hypnotherapy and coaching can really help to release the anxiety, build confidence and help you to sleep better.  

People are often ashamed that they have an addiction whether it be to alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, even sugar.  Coaching can help you to understand how your brain is working against you quitting, and can help to understand why you have your addiction and how you can defeat it.  Hypnotherapy adds to this by instructing your subconscious to make the changes needed.    In one or two sessions you can defeat your addictions for life.  

Phobias are an irrational fear, whether it be spiders, needles, foods - coaching and hypnotherapy can release you from this fear, so you no longer need to build routines into your life to avoid the phobias, you can live without fear and with confidence.  Trauma can also have created a fear in your life and to change the way your brain and body react to the trauma can help you to recover and live again.  

Some people feel very curious as to their past lives, or they may feel that there is something intangible holding them back.  Past life regression sessions can open the door to different lives and  can help you move forward in this life.  It is not as scary as it sounds, it is safe and clients can find it comforting that they have had previous lives and may therefore have future lives.  


“I was really intrigued to take part in Past life regression, not really sure what to expect or if it would even work...I can actually say it was like nothing I've ever experienced, the images I still hold were so vivid.”